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Baldurs Gate 3 Drow Rogue Build

Powerful Rogue Build for Baldur's Gate 3

High Damage Thief Rogue Build

Best Race, Equipment, and Tips

Rogues are a versatile and powerful class in Baldur's Gate 3. They can deal high damage, sneak around undetected, and disable traps. This build focuses on maximizing the rogue's damage output, making them a formidable force in combat.

Best Race for a Rogue

The best race for a rogue in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Drow. Drow have a number of racial bonuses that are perfect for rogues, including:

  • Advantage against Charmed effects: This is a major advantage, as charm effects can be very debilitating for rogues.
  • Sees in the dark up to 60 feet: This allows rogues to move around undetected in dark areas.
  • +2 Dexterity: This bonus to Dexterity increases the rogue's damage output and stealth.

Best Equipment for a Rogue

The best equipment for a rogue in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Thieves' Tools kit. Thieves' Tools allow rogues to pick locks, disarm traps, and find hidden objects. Other useful equipment for rogues includes:

  • A shortbow or crossbow: These weapons allow rogues to attack from a distance.
  • A dagger or shortsword: These weapons are good for dealing damage in close combat.
  • Leather armor: This armor provides good protection without sacrificing stealth.
  • Potions of healing and invisibility: These potions can be very useful in combat and for getting out of sticky situations.

Tips for Playing a Rogue

Here are a few tips for playing a rogue in Baldur's Gate 3:

  • Use your Sneak Attack ability whenever possible. Sneak Attack deals extra damage to enemies that are unaware of you.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and use stealth to your advantage. Rogues can move around undetected in dark areas and behind cover.
  • Use your skills to disable traps and pick locks. This can give you a significant advantage in combat and exploration.
  • Don't be afraid to use potions and other consumables. Potions can be very useful for healing, removing debuffs, and increasing your damage output.
  • Work with your party members to maximize your effectiveness. Rogues can support their allies by providing damage, scouting, and disabling traps.
